How to upload Payslip manually

Payroll, not an issue anymore.

With Carbonate HR app you can do a bulk payroll in a few clicks. Instead of hours or days, the payroll can be done in a matter of a few minutes.

Here is how you can manually upload the payroll.

Step 1.
  • Click on the Payroll on the left-side menu.
Step 2:
  • Click on the Manual Payslip.
Step 3.
  • Click on the +Add more.
Step 4.
  • Select the user from the drop-down list.
Step 5.
  • Enter the value of the payment of the payslip
Step 6.
  • Add the attachment of the payslip in a particular format. 
Step 7
  • Click on Save and it will be added to the payslip successfully.
Step 8
  • If you want to search the user click on the search and check the user.
Manual payslip upload

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