Career Conversion Programmes (CCP) for Employers in Singapore

Piyush Sharma
Apr 08
Prorate Post CPF allowances based on leaves

1. Understanding the Career Conversion Program (CCP):

The Career Conversion Program (CCP) is an initiative by Workforce Singapore (WSG) and SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) designed to support employers in upskilling and reskilling their workforce. The program aims to help businesses adapt to changing industry demands and technological advancements by providing funding and support for training initiatives.

2. Eligibility Criteria for Employers:

Employers interested in participating in the CCP should meet the following eligibility criteria:
  • Registered or incorporated in Singapore
  • Committed to hiring and training eligible individuals under the CCP
  • Willing to provide suitable employment opportunities for trained individuals upon completion of the program

3. Available Funding Support:

Employers participating in the CCP may receive financial assistance to defray the costs associated with training and salary support for eligible employees undergoing training. The funding support provided by WSG and SSG aims to encourage employers to invest in the training and development of their workforce.
Funding Rates for Place-and-Train CCPs / JR-Reskilling CCPs
WSG’s Funding to Employers
Standard Rate (SCs/PRs below age of 40)
Enhanced Rate
Salary Support*

Up to 70% of Monthly Salary for CCP training duration
(capped at $5,000 per month)

Up to 90% of Monthly Salary for CCP training duration
(capped at $7,500 per month)

For Long-term Unemployed1 Singapore Citizen (SC)/ Permanent Resident (PR) trainees Or Mature2 SC/PR trainees

* For selected CCPs where facilitated/structured training is required for individuals to undergo career conversion, course fee subsidy of 70% will be provided. Where applicable, employers can receive a 20% course fee subsidy top-up from SSG’s SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy for mature SCs, or a 20% course fee subsidy top-up from SSG’s Enhanced Training Support for SMEs for SMEsponsored SC/PR employees.
1 Long-term Unemployed (LTU) is defined as being unemployed and actively seeking employment for six months or more.
2 Mature trainee is defined as being aged 40 and above.

Funding Rates for Attach-and-Train CCPs

WSG’s Funding to Employers
Standard Rate (SCs/PRs below age of 40)
Enhanced Rate
Training Allowance*

WSG’s funding for AnT training duration
Between 50 - 70% of Prevailing Salary#
(capped at $5,000 per month)

Co-funding by hosting employer
At least an additional 10% of Prevailing Salary#

* For selected CCPs where facilitated/structured training is required for individuals to undergo career conversion, course fee subsidy of 70% will be provided. Where applicable, employers can receive a 20% course fee subsidy top-up from SSG’s SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy for mature SCs.
#Based on jobs the trainee is being prepared for, to be determined by WSG for each Attach-and-Train CCP

4. Customized Training Solutions:

The CCP offers customized training solutions tailored to the specific needs of employers and their industries. Training programs can cover a wide range of skills and competencies, including technical skills, soft skills, and industry-specific knowledge. Employers have the flexibility to choose training providers and courses that best meet their workforce development needs.

5. Access to Talent Pool:

Participating in the CCP allows employers to tap into a diverse talent pool of individuals looking to transition into new careers or industries. Employers can recruit motivated and capable candidates who are eager to learn and contribute to their organizations. By hiring individuals under the CCP, employers can access a skilled workforce with potential for long-term growth and development.

6. Application Process:

Employers interested in participating in the CCP can apply through the WSG or SSG website. The application process typically involves submitting details about the company, proposed training plans, and the number of employees to be trained. Upon approval, employers can proceed with implementing their training programs and accessing funding support.

7. Compliance and Reporting Requirements:

Employers participating in the CCP are required to comply with the terms and conditions set forth by WSG and SSG. This may include providing regular updates on the progress of training initiatives, submitting documentation for funding reimbursement, and fulfilling any other reporting requirements as specified.

8. Benefits of Participating in the CCP:

  • Enhanced workforce capabilities and productivity
  • Access to funding support for training initiatives
  • Opportunity to recruit and retain skilled employees
  • Recognition as a progressive employer committed to workforce development
  • Potential for increased competitiveness and business growth

9. Additional Resources and Support:

Employers interested in learning more about the CCP can access additional resources and support through the WSG and SSG websites. Information sessions, workshops, and advisory services are available to help employers navigate the program and maximize its benefits for their organizations.

10. Conclusion:

Participating in the Career Conversion Program (CCP) can provide significant advantages for employers seeking to develop and retain a skilled workforce in Singapore. By investing in training and upskilling initiatives, employers can strengthen their competitive position, adapt to industry changes, and drive sustainable growth and innovation.

For more information and assistance with the CCP, employers are encouraged to contact Workforce Singapore (WSG) or SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) directly or visit their respective websites.

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